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Annual Parish Meeting 18.4.23

6 April 2023

Parish Meeting

Tuesday 18 April 2023 Main Hall, Mendlesham Community Centre 7.30pm  

The Annual Parish Council meeting is an opportunity for the electors of the Parish of Mendlesham to meet and discuss items of interest to them. It is not a Parish Council meeting, although it is organised by the Parish Council.

The Parish Meeting includes the opportunity to discuss any matters of concern or interest from Mendlesham Parish Residents and to note any reports received from parish organisations. Any representatives wishing to submit a report, please can you contact the Clerk as soon as possible to confirm you wish to submit a report and then ideally do so in writing, before Friday 14 April. Please note written reports will be uploaded to the Mendlesham web site. 
As in the past part of this meeting will include Awards to individuals and organisations of the Parish for their service to the community.

Mendlesham Parish Council

Read more on Annual Parish Meeting 18.4.23

Public Vote and Meetings

30 March 2023

Tuesday 18 April 2023
Main Hall, Mendlesham Community Centre

18:00 - 19:00 Voting by residents of the parish of Mendlesham aged 18 and over

NOTE: ID to confirm address and age 18 and over is required.


A) Mendlesham Community Centre (Registered charity number 304795) and Mendlesham Memorial Playingfields Charity (Registered charity number 304794) proposes to apply to The Charity Commission for England and Wales to merge Mendlesham Community Centre and Mendlesham Memorial Playingfields Charity.

Read more on Public Vote and Meetings

Parish Council Elections 2023

12 March 2023

The term of office for our existing Mendlesham Parish Councillors is about to come to an end which is the start of the democratic process to select those to represent you at a local level from 9 May 2023.

Read more on Parish Council Elections 2023

4 May 2023 Elections

16 February 2023

The term of office for our existing Mendlesham Parish Councillors is about to come to an end, with the process for nominations and election for eligible residents who wish to stand for Mendlesham Parish Council about to commence . This is the opportunity for a democratic process to select those to represent you at a local level from 9 May 2023.

Read more on 4 May 2023 Elections

Did you know?

1 April 2022

The Mendlesham Church and Town Estate Charity may be able to help if you are struggling.

Read more on Did you know?

Documents supporting the consultations

We've added two new documents to support the consultations.

Read more on Documents supporting the consultations
