Public vote outcome

23 April 2023

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Thank you to everyone who turned out to vote on 18 April 2023. Particular thanks to Cllr. Ann Arnold of Wetheringsett Cum Brockford Parish Council who provided independent verification of the count.

The outcome was as follows:

Proposal A:

Proposal to apply to The Charity Commission for England and Wales to merge Mendlesham Community Centre and Mendlesham Memorial Playingfields Charity.

Yes 47 92.2%
No 4 7.8%
Total 51  

The majority voted in favour of the proposal.

Proposal B:

Proposal by Mendlesham Community Centre to sell Mendlesham Community Centre building and pavements (marked on the plans available at the vote) by way of freehold transfer to Suffolk County Council and to use the proceeds of the proposed sale towards funding a new community centre in the Parish.

Yes 43 88.3%
No 7 11.7%
Total 50  

The majority voted in favour of the proposal.

Both Charities will now need to hold meetings to note the results and confirm the way forward,  including the proposed applications to The Charity Commission.

Thank you once again for your support.

Mendlesham Parish Council, Trustee of Mendlesham Community Centre Charity and Mendlesham  Memorial Playingfields Charity
