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Mar. 1 - 31, 2023

  • WI - Knit, Stitch and Yarn

    Wed, Mar. 1, 2023 10:00am — 12:00pm

    Come and join us ...

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  • Want to know more about the role of a Parish Councillor?

    Thu, Mar. 9, 2023 6:30pm — 7:30pm

    The term of office for our existing Mendlesham Parish Councillors is about to come to an end, with the process for nominations and election for eligible residents who wish to stand for Mendlesham Parish Council about to commence . This is the opportunity for a democratic process to select those to represent you at a local level from 9 May 2023.

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  • Public Consultation Events

    Fri, Mar. 10, 2023 4:00pm — 7:00pm

    Four public consultation events have been created providing you with the opportunity to discuss and comment further with Mendlesham Parish Council, sole trustee of Mendlesham Community Centre and Mendlesham Memorial Playingfields Charity, regarding the following applications to The Charity Commission for England and Wales.

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  • Walking Group

    Sat, Mar. 11, 2023

    Full details of this and all our walks can be found in our published walks program on our walking page.

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  • Public Consultation Events

    Sat, Mar. 11, 2023 9:30am — 12:00pm

    Four public consultation events have been created providing you with the opportunity to discuss and comment further with Mendlesham Parish Council, sole trustee of Mendlesham Community Centre and Mendlesham Memorial Playingfields Charity, regarding the following applications to The Charity Commission for England and Wales.

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  • Walking Group

    Wed, Mar. 15, 2023

    Full details of this and all our walks can be found in our published walks program on our walking page.

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  • WI - Meeting

    Tue, Mar. 21, 2023 7:30pm

    See our notices page for event details and locations:  Link to notices page

    Visitors welcome contact: 01449 766902

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  • Litter pick

    Sat, Mar. 25, 2023

    Mendlesham Parish Council employs a street cleaner who picks up litter from the roads and pavements in the centre of the village and the Green.

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