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Litter pick

Sat, Sep. 30, 2023


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Mendlesham Parish Council employs a street cleaner who picks up litter from the roads and pavements in the centre of the village and the Green.

However, we have an ongoing 'battle' with discard items, particularly fast food cartons, cans and cups, from vehicles on our approach roads in the parish.

To help, the Parish Council’s "Mess-free Mendlesham" initiative carries out litter-picks on the last Saturday morning of each month.

Volunteers spend around one to two hours litter-picking specific approaches to our village and Mendlesham Green.  Litter items are split into those for disposal and those for recycling.

We provide bags, tools and hi-viz vests and volunteers provide their own stout gloves and footwear.

Anyone interested in joining the volunteers can contact the Parish Clerk (see the page footer), or Cllrs.  Foster at mpc@fostermail.co.uk on 01449 768978

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